Now begins (in a few hours) the Triduum, the three days during which we keep a vigil of prayer and meditation focused on the events of the crucifixion, death, and triumph of Jesus. This is a time to pray, to seek, to listen to what God is seeking to tell us.
Clearly, modern people cannot generally drop everything else they are doing. And no one really expects them to do that. But I think it wise to take a few moments each of the next three days, and think, pray, and listen. Centering prayer or a similar form of meditation is simple enough, if you follow the rosary prayers of the Anglican or Roman churches or the prayer rope of the East, it is simple to do.
"Watch and pray an hour"
Wish I could hit a "like" button on your blog. I really like this. It's a good general reminder to pray, watch, and listen. And a regular time to pray every day is something I need to build more into my day in order to have a closer relationship with the Lord.
A spiritual director of mine told me years ago, that "the reason one prays is to become more like a person who prays."
It took me a while to understand what he meant, if that is I do. But I **think** as we pray regularly, attend mass regularly, and otherwise act like we are a part of the kingdom of God, it becomes more and more who we are. So like quiting smoking, or loosing weight, it is all about starting. After the second month, the journey begins to seep into the fabric of our lives. And while the journey always beckons us to go deeper into our relationship with God, the steps become a bit easier to take.
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