12 October 2005

On voices silenced

I have been thinking about how we deal with controversies. This is a thought about the primary abortion decision, but not about abortion. I think it sheds some light.

My opinion of Roe v Wade has always been rather closely held. But (with some trepidation) let me expose an aspect. Regardless of which side of the presenting issue one is on (and note I have NOT said) the decision was a problem because it shorted out the political process.

Had the Court done nothing, the States would have continued the political process of looking at abortion laws. Likely they would not have all reached the same answer, and likely all would have faced contentious debates. But(!) a democratic republic while untidy works.

It is precisely people whose voice is choked off by the Court ( or by the bishop ) who are angry, litigious and even violent. Had the legislatures changed laws, there are political ways to respond. Without them, one creates a pressure cooker and then expresses shock/shock! when it explodes.

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