30 January 2008

a new bishop, a new time

Saturday, the diocese of Chicago will come together for the consecration of Fr. Jeffery Lee. Our parish has called a new rector and she will begin her ministry on March 1st. She will be our first woman rector but not our first woman priest, we were blessed to have woman a curate some years ago. The memory of her tenure was part of what made it possible to consider our new rector now.

A new time will inevitably be upon us. Which got me thinking about leadership.

I have managed units ranging from small offices to large development teams. My tendency is I hope, councillor in the sense that I try not to deliver orders, but rather to involve the team in decision making, and let staff input on what can be reasonably done. I wonder what the style of these two new leaders will be?

While our polity says the laity share in leadership, I have never seen a priest actually believe it. Ordination seems to set the DNA in a 'my way is God's way' track. The more they proclaim they are 'people people'; the more set the DNA. I am hoping I will see something else now. We shall see.


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