09 September 2009

A quick thought

From my sister-in-law a great thought

A new Term Limits Proposal:

Limit politicians to two terms, one in office, one in prison.

Illinois already does this.

Hmm... maybe!



RonF said...

The thing is, we've HAD clean politicians in Illinois. Jim Edgar springs to mind. So does Sen. Fitzgerald (who gave us U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald).

Don't blame politicians - blame the voters. Too many of them vote for someone who'll make them promises they can't deliver as long as those promises are "I'll give you something for nothing."

RonF said...

Jim, off topic:

Who do I talk to about how the authentication on blogger.com works? I have a Google Account. On this and other blogger.com blogs, when I enter in my ID and password it continually rejects me saying "Incorrect password". Then I click on "Create a Google account", enter in my e-mail, ID and password and it takes it. Any idea who I talk to about this?

JimB said...


I blame both. Voters get the government they deserve certainly but we also cannot exonerate providers.


JimB said...


They have a customer service group. Are you entering your email when you try to sign in? If you aren't I think that might be the problem. If you use it instead of your id I bet all will be well.


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